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Saturday, March 6, 2010

The first was a tough one...

As written in my profile, during this semester I'm going to get into the head of a Kleptomaniac so I will collect enough sources of inspiration to design my fashion collection. OPERATION 001, Fri 05/03, 19:53, my friend G's place, Herzliah, Israel,

I "Kleptofashioned" '60s fashion' by Jim Heimann, from G's library yesterday evening. Looks like a cool book :)



I was feeling really nervous, began sweating, all these thoughts came to my mind... "What if anyone will see me?!", "What will I tell them??".

The Pressure. Anxiety. An unknown feeling.


But than, with all the courage I have I discretely put the book in my handbag and smiled to the people around me.

It was over. I did it. Relieved. Intense joy. Satisfaction. Mission successfully accomplished.

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